Welcome back to the crazy side

The first day back was SUPER busy...

The day started off with three new Year 7 enrolments. I greeted them among trying to photocopy resources for my five-period day and my attempts at moving all the things into my classroom that I have been stealing from home. I provided the new students with their school diary, assessment booklets, uniform information, fee information sheet, mobile phone policy ALL before school even started. I also managed to assign the students into classes.

Instead of having period 1, there was a formal Anzac Day service. The History teachers and Student Leaders directed the ceremony. They did a fantastic job even down to the finer details - red handmade poppies on skewers.

I was happy to see my students again. They were quite eager to share their holiday stories. I had to use my 'NOISE' strategy to quiet down my first class. It worked tremendously well after flipping through two letters.

Link to 'NOISE' post: http://missartofteaching.blogspot.com.au/2017/03/noise.html

I gathered a few helpers today to help laminate the 'Safe Classroom' worksheets that I have been working on over the holidays. They are now plastered onto every desk. I went through what makes a safe classroom and my role as their classroom teacher. It helped reinforce the rules and allow students to take ownership of their actions.

Link to 'Safe Classroom' post: http://missartofteaching.blogspot.com.au/2017/04/safe-classroom.html

I have been marking my life away and took home another bundle to cross check. My co-worker has my Year 11 Visual Arts exams and essays bundle and I have his Year 12 Visual Arts Examinations. It is also report time so a lot of teachers are frantically working away.

On a positive note. I have been posting more on Instagram. I am inspired by others and love the idea of resource sharing. 

My Sephora package came in today! This makeup haul is an early birthday present from my high school friends. We have been friends for more than 10 years now.

and last but not least...I said goodbye to the Origami Horse sculptures at West Ryde.


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