Building relationships with students

My Stage 5 class (Year 9/10 combined class):

I love giving students a topic and then the freedom to choose their own technique and material selection. It is encouraging to see students take ownership of their work while I sit back as a mentor. I love how they are so focused and willing to help each other. 

This was not my favourite class at the start of this year as there was a bit of a tension with a small group of people who was not ready to have me as their new art teacher. They had a real connection with their previous teacher. After a while, they started to enjoy my teaching style and me being my true self.  Now all the lessons are seriously SUPER fun. I LOVE this class to bits.

My tips for building relationships with students:

1. Be honest about how you feel. I reminded that particular group of students it was not healthy to constantly compare my teaching practice and personality with their previous art teacher. 

2. Show them that you genuinely care about them. I helped two of the students in that group with an assignment that was not even part of my subject. This was because, I could tell they were stressed and confused with particular requirements. I also made sure that I said hi to them every morning when I walked passed them. 

3. Share some laughter and stories with them. Open up to them about who you are. I constantly decorate my classroom and bring part of my personality into the classroom.

4. Give them opportunities to shine. My DIY memes wall (in my 'DIY Wall' blog post from April) is the creation by that group. They love it.

5. Praise students when appropriate. If they show kindness say something, if they are on task say something :)

The following photos are from the Year 9/10 combined class. They are working on their 'Environmental Art' theme artworks. I love how they can get into the class and work at their own pace. They might be researching for ideas, writing down ideas in their Visual Arts journal or getting hands on with their project. They have inspired me!


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