Safe Classroom

My high school has partnered with the University of Western Sydney (WSU). We are currently in our early stages of our Professional Learning Project. The project involves professional development using an action research model with topics identified by the teachers. Action research is a process involving enquiry into an important question relating to classroom and school practice. The first step to this project was to complete a survey so that all the 72 teachers including the executives of this school could be separated into groups of similar interest. Teachers were joined by others who have similar wonderings/interest to form project groups. The project groups links to one of the 6 WSU academics with expertise in the group's chosen focus area. 

The WSU academic partners will then provide up to 10 hours of support to each group. This includes advice on readings, resources and so forth. I was placed into a group with three other teachers who were interested in Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL). PBL in Australia is a school-wide system adapted from the PBS concept originated in the USA since 2005. It is a system of school-wide processes and individualised instruction designed to prevent and decrease problem behaviour and to maintain appropriate behaviour. The process facilitates the development of quality learning environments so that students can feel safe, feel secure and flourish as individuals. Under this model teachers often reward students for following correct behavioural expectations instead of waiting for misbehaviour to occur. I am already part of the existing PBL team in the school and actively encourage and create resources to promote it throughout the school community. By being in this action research, I hope to improve my own teaching practice and provide valuable information to all my colleagues. 

As a group we need to decide when to have face-to-face meetings, online meetings, phone calls or emails. Each group makes the decisions on how to use their academic partner. Every group looks at reflecting on a solvable issue that affects our own classroom and that of our colleagues. The purpose of this is to look at decisions about how and what to change for the future. 

Some of the group topics include:

-Assessment & Feedback: Which forms of assessment and feedback are most likely to lead to improved results?
-Differentiation/Learning Needs: How do we implement differentiated learning in our classroom? What does it look like and how do we measure its success?
-Student Wellbeing: What systems/programs are available for adolescents to improve their wellbeing and transition from school?
-Technology: What issues are preventing the extensive and effective use of ICT in the classroom?
-21st Century Learning: How can we provide students with a broad education and practical thinking skills to prepare them as global citizens in the 21st Century?
-Student Engagement: What are the techniques that enhance student engagement and also make them accountable for their learning?

The project is 20 + hours of accredited documented hours. It allows teachers to maintain their Proficient level. I am already a Proficient teacher but I am always interested in attending workshops to improve my own teaching practice. 

My group has decided on 'What is a safe classroom and how can it help to generate risk-taking behaviours?' We had to first identify what risk-taking behaviours look like. We wanted students to feel safe in the classroom so that they are more likely to participate in class discussions, ask questions etc. We are planning to focus our test subjects on one specific stage: Year 11 (Senior students). 

Research shows that even teachers who felt confident about their teaching abilities express concerns about student disobedience, distractibility and disruption of others, as well as less frequent but more challenging behaviours such as physical aggression and bullying. I am just like the other teachers and do express concerns with what occurs inside and outside of my classroom. 

My WSU academic partner has provided two readings for my group. The two readings relate to Positive Behaviour Learning in school (Reading 1: Does School-wide PBL Improve Learning in Primary Schools? Some Preliminary Findings. Reading 2: PBL: Investigating the transfer of a United States system into New South Wales Department of Education and Training Western Sydney region schools). I love this quote from the first reading: 'an improved school environment would lead to an improved focus on academic work and subsequently better academic achievement'. 

I am constantly reflecting on my own classroom environment: How do I make it more engaging for the students? How do I make them feel safe? Today, I made a 'Safe Classroom' worksheet inspired by a Year 1 worksheet on flexible seating by 'The Creative Colourful Classroom. I plan to give to my students on their first week back in Term 2. For successful implementation of PBL students should have some involvement with decision making processes.  I have left two lines blank for the class to think of any other rules that may help foster a safe classroom. A class discussion will be made on this topic.

Above: Safe classroom worksheet designed for my students.

As the first reading suggests 'disruptive student behaviour not only impacts on the school environment but also impedes students' learning outcomes. An undesirable school environment would probably lead to low student engagement and motivation, and learning may become less effective in the classroom'. As a classroom teacher I want to provide 'quality learning environment' where it is free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination. By creating this ideal environment, students will have increased time to be on task and thus have a higher level of engagement. This positive behaviour is expected to have influences on their social development. By improving students' behaviour through the PBL model, it will improve the relationships between the students and the teachers. 


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