Fun, Fun, Fun!

Easter break is a good way to catch up with high school friends. I always tell students that the friendships you build at school can become lifelong ones. We need to make an effort to keep them and communicate our thoughts well. Throughout my friendship journeys, I have drifted apart with some people and with others I have come back together even stronger than before. We have all walked through different hardships and also shared many great memories together. Every day I chat with six other girls via a mobile app called 'Line'. We enjoy talking about work, relationships and anything in general. The girls help keep my spirit up high and I try to do the same for them.

The weather today was super. I keep forgetting how blessed I am to be born and raised in Australia. The scenery is breathtaking especially if you drive further up away from the suburban and city life. We decided to go to Burrawang to check out the Easter markets. I ended up splurging a bit on things I didn't need. However, I am excited about the 'garden' that I have ready for my classroom.

Above: Jellore Lookout.

Above: With my crew + partner and dog.

Above: I try to take my Shih Tzu out as much as I can.

Above: Purchased 6 cupcake plants for $25. The larger one was $12.

Above: I purchased a glass house from 'The Cool Room A Country Emporium'. It was meant to be $30 but it is missing a door. The owner gave it to me for $25. Little small bargains go a long way.

Above: I haven't considered how to arrange the plants inside the glass house yet. This is the start to my classroom garden. I might even decorate the glass house. I do want to move the bigger cactus into a more appealing pot.

Above: My babies.

Above: My most impulse purchase from today. A $55 overpriced tote bag (I saw a smaller version of it on sale for only $10 in another store). I wanted a tote bag to carry all the small and big pieces from my staffroom to my classroom. The best part about the bag is the zipper! 

Above: Some funky earrings for the art teacher. $16 for four pieces.

Yesterday, I met up with my childhood best friend. We went to the same childcare and primary school. The day was all about board games. I was introduced to her ex-co-workers and we tried a bunch of new games. I am thinking it might be nice to buy the game 'Spot It' and let my students have a go. It is a quick matching game based on matching symbols between two cards. The players need to have a quick eye and a quick hand to grab the cards. Only $9.15 from eBay. Sometimes, games can be a great way to build relationships with students and to reward them when they are working well. I could even make my own and replace the symbols with art related ones.

Above: I love board games! Sometimes I can think of new ways to teach students by using strategies that I learn from board games.


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