Facebook groups

I love blogging and it has been quite addictive. It is a great way to sit back and reflect on what is working and what needs improvement. Since making this blog (early this year), I have been interested in DIY projects and creating resources that help tackle/prevent issues from arising in my classroom. I have improved with my classroom management skills and resource making skills. Students respect the classroom space as there are structures and routines in place. They can see that I take pride in my classroom space and thus, they also respect the space more. My passion for teaching is getting stronger. It is my fifth year teaching and I feel like there is so much to learn and do!

Today, I plan to share a list of Facebook groups that I follow and some of the places where I contribute ideas and resources. Sometimes I link my blog to the post, sometimes I am just happy to show a picture. I love how all the Facebook groups connect teachers around the world. I am based in Australia but it is so cool to see that my audiences are from:

Places that I share ideas:

-Relief Teaching Ideas Community: I am on this page ALL the time. I like to listen to what others are saying. Some people share what works in their classroom, some people ask for advice and others talk about teaching in general. I like to share DIY projects. I often share ideas on how to improve the classroom space and how to manage resources in the classroom. 

This Facebook group provides a great platform to ask questions, get professional teaching advice and an opportunity to share resources. The majority of the posts are aimed at primary school teachers but they can be adapted and modified to suit different grades. I love what primary school teachers do and sometimes try to mimic the structure and routine that they put in place for students. Providing structure and routine makes the classroom feel safe for any year groups.

-Classroom Management Strategies: This is a place for teachers to ask questions and share tips on how to manage a classroom. I like to share Positive Behaviour Learning strategies here.

Since I am an Art teacher, I also like to share ideas on:

-Art Teachers
-Visual Arts Teachers NSW
-Art Teachers Australia
-High School Art Teachers

With the above Facebook groups, I tend to talk about ways to make theory engaging and ways to manage/improve the quality of work produced by students. 

The below photos shows the posts that I have been sharing on the different Facebook groups:

My blog tells me that the 'Hamburger analogy' blog post has been the most well received. On the first day back for Term 2, I plan to talk about the 'hamburger analogy', the 'remind app' and how to 'make theory fun'. Schools from the same district will be separating their teachers into faculty groups. Each school/faculty must share and present ideas. At the end of the year, I will also share ideas on classroom management. It will be a workshop for teachers at my school. I am excited! I love sharing ideas.


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