2017 Art Express

I finally made it to 2017 Art Express exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW). I have been encouraging my Year 11 Visual Arts students to make time to visit the exhibition during the school holidays. They are starting a unit on Portraits and the AGNSW exhibition stocks many outstanding student artworks with the same theme. Perfect inspiration for them!

It has been hard to make time to visit the art gallery as I have been swamped with marking or with hiking experiences. I almost thought I would miss the exhibition today as I was literally stuck at Pitt Street Apple Store for more than four hours (new phone, backing up storage, transferring contacts etc.) The nightmare of waiting for icloud to back up, resetting Apple ID and Itunes ID and the list just goes on. I am thankful for the extremely patient staff at Apple.

Information about Art Express from the Art Gallery of NSW and Official Art Express website:

The Art Express is an annual series of exhibitions of exemplary artworks created by New South Wales Visual Arts students for the High School Certificate examination. It includes a broad range of approaches and expressive forms, including ceramics, collection of works, documented forms, drawing, graphic design, painting, photo media, printmaking, sculpture, textiles and fiber, and time-based forms. 

The exhibition at AGNSW ends on Tuesday 25th April. Today was the last day for me to see this exhibition since work starts tomorrow and I would have had no other time to hike out. There are two other venues, one at Campbelltown Arts Centre (ends 14th May) and another one at Moree Plains Gallery (ends 28th May). 

I can't wait to share the photos/experiences with students and show them what students can achieve.



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