Is it Friday yet?

Over in Australia, we only have one more day until the school holidays. We have a two-week break and I NEED IT! I have a few things that I would love to do including the Easter Show carnival, a road trip with my high school friends and just spending more time with my family. Teaching is meant to get easier as the years go by but I feel like I am only truly learning the trade now. There is a never ending pile of work to do and it is the passion that keeps me sane.

Looking back at my school photos, I can see how my face has warped. I have stopped exercising as a whole and I can feel how tired my body becomes after a full day of work. After work hours, I am home again making more resources and/or marking. 

Above: The far left photo is the latest version of myself. I have been teaching for five years.

Above: I have been eating quite unhealthy and have not been looking after my well being as much as I would like.

My workload for this holiday seems a bit frightening. I have a few hundred assignments to mark. 80% of the marking are long essays and a few short questions. The cup on the left really reflects how I feel. Thank god, I love my students.

Above: The never ending To Do List


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