Ways to get donations/prizes

I am a huge believer on rewarding students and I try my best to get donations rolling into our school system. Over the past two years, I have been speaking to local businesses in person, sending out emails, letters and even asking for donations from the school community (via school Facebook and email). Sometimes we get monetary donations, other times we get tangible prizes. I try to be creative as well and ask if teachers are willing to provide services such as baking a cake, wearing a onesie, being a note taker.... If you want to know more about the different prizes, please remember to check out my links at the bottom of this blog post.

This is the letter that I have been sending out to local companies:


I’d like to introduce myself, and outline the purpose of this letter. My name is Miss Kwan, and I am a High School Teacher at X High School. We are seeking funds to keep our school online rewards system running. Alternatively, you can provide merchandise to be placed in our reward shop so students can exchange their points for items/products. This system is used to reward them for meeting school expectations. In return we will promote your branding throughout the whole school community and to parents.

In order to improve our students’ performance, and the overall results of the school, we have signed up to an award winning online rewards system – Vivo Miles. Vivo has been developed to get the best results for our students. Teachers can give students Vivo points for being a respectful, engaged and an active learner, wearing the correct uniform, actively participating in school, attendance and for participating in academic competitions or through school service roles. Students accumulate Vivos to save for prizes. 

The more funding we have, the more points we can have as a school. Therefore, the more we can reward, the higher the students’ engagement/motivation and the better the results. 
All students, teachers and parents can log in at any time on Vivo Miles and the school can control the brands they are exposed to on the website.  We’re contacting you to offer a unique opportunity to promote your brand to our students – a traditionally hard to reach audience.

We’re asking for you to support our involvement with Vivo by:
1)         Donating funds to help keep Vivo running and to purchase points. A donation of $500+ equates to 50,000 points – several weeks’ worth of ‘Vivos’ for the staff to award. 


2)         Offer free merchandise as prizes for students.


3)         Offer special coupons or deals as prizes for students.

In return for your support, your company logo will appear on our school’s Vivo website where it can be viewed by all students, teachers and their parents.  We will also mention the donation on our school Facebook page, school School website and in our newsletters to parents/guardians.  Larger donations will be publicised via a joint press release to the local media.

While we appreciate the difficult economic circumstance affecting all businesses, we hope that you can understand how improving the performance of our students is a top priority – one that cannot be put on hold. This in turn will have benefits for our whole community.

 Here are some positive responses: 

Above: Email from Bunnings. They have donated twice!

Above: Picking up the vouchers in person!

Above: Receiving vouchers from the theatres. They have also donated twice.

Above: Gift vouchers and cinema vouchers.

Above: Vouchers from the school canteen.

Above: Vouchers from The School Locker.

Above: Often I send emails out to teachers and staff asking if they can do a spring clean and donate unwanted presents or items in new or excellent condition.

Above: We also have supportive parents and carers from the school community who donate to our rewards program.

Check out my previous posts about rewarding and how Vivo Miles operates in my school:

Love my classes

Above: Being one of the School Facebook admins has its perks. I can put up notices about Vivos.


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