Chinese Whispers (draw instead of whisper)

My heater in my demountable has been broken for the passed few weeks. I am waiting for the maintenance person to come in to have a look. Not the best time when the weather has been quite chilly over here in Australia. Some days we start off with a single digit number and it rises up to around 17-18 degrees Celsius. As a result I have booked the library a few times or moved to another classroom. My room usually warms up naturally by half day but the first two-three periods is like 'ICE ICE BABY'.

Last week, I taught my Year 7 students a game, which is similar to Chinese Whispers. Instead of whispering like what you will do, students had to draw. There were two teams. The 'next' student had to based his/her drawing from the drawing created by the student before him/her. The students at the end of the two lines will then guess what the drawing is about. Each student was given 15 seconds to draw. 


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