Ultimate teacher storage box

I have been taking my classes out due to the broken heater in my classroom. Sometimes it can be difficult juggling all the resources. I do have helpers but I want a neater system. I found a solution...$5 Aud storage boxes from the garage section at Bunnings. 

I love how the case is clear so it's easy to see what is inside. It is quite generous in size (space and length). The dividers can be removed as well allowing flexibility in the way you may want to store specific items. With one of the boxes, I can stock it up with 1 x pastel pencil set, 2 x watercolour pencil sets, 1 x pencil set, 1 x graphite pencil set, 1 x posca pen set and some random pens. The pastel pencils, watercolour pencils and pens are from my own home collection. The rest are school property. I think teaching is the only job where you steal from your home!

I have shared this teacher storage option on the 'Relief Teaching Ideas Community' Facebook group. It will make the lives of teachers easier as they can take resources from one classroom to another classroom. I am lucky enough to have my own classroom, but this method comes in handy if I need to visit the library or to seat under the sun. 

Bunnings also have some drawer organiser. It is $28.95 Aud for a 20-drawer unit (305mm w x 128 mm d x 230 mm h). However, they are too small to fit pens or pencils. I also try to avoid a free for all system. Most of my resources are locked up in my storeroom by the end of the period to avoid missing resources. If I have pretty drawers seating on my table, I will be too lazy to lock it up after every lesson. Another way that I minimise the potential of walk-about resources is to label everything with my name. I love my Dymo label maker. Next week, I will be labelling all the resources in the $5 boxes.

My second $5 storage box will be used for small pieces like: 

-paper clips
-rubber bands
-push pins
-post notes

There is an infinity amount of ways that you can use the storage boxes. You can assign one box per group table with glue sticks, scissors, pencils and pens. It can be used to store your rewards system, brag cards etc. There seems to be a bigger variety of storage boxes in store. Otherwise, hop onto the Bunnings website to see your options:

Bunnings Australia



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