Calling home: Concerns and positive feedback

It was POURING today after work so I decided to stay for a few more hours. On a normal day, I prefer taking work home. I still have a list of things to do before tomorrow!

I used the time at work today to call home to parents/carers. I am sending home five letter of concerns and decided to call parents to let them know that they will be receiving it shortly by mail. I also decided to choose respectful, engaged active learners from each class and call home to give them the recognition. 

Calling parents/carers take up a lot of time as I try to engage in a conversation with them rather than just treating them as an item to tick off my list. I find that it is important to talk to parents/carers as it gives you an insight into the home life and shows the parents/carers that you do care about their child. It is good to get support (when possible) from parents as well.

One of the best phone calls this afternoon was when I called home to a parent whose child was having a hard time and is currently dealing with anxiety. I was excited to let her know that her daughter was flourishing in Stage 5 Elective class. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when the mother told me that my 'Are you ok?' conversations with her daughter, has genuinely made her feel relieved. She can sense that I am there to help her and that there are support systems in place.

I did inform the mother that she also brings a lot of joy into my classes and helps uplift me when I feel a bit low. I sometimes wish that I can develop more of these relationships with my students, especially with ones who are challenging.


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