They loved it: SPEED DATING art critique!

The 'Speed dating art critique' lesson was a success! Students loved interacting with their classmates and getting feedback (both pros and cons) on how they are going with their Portraits unit. I was a bit ambitious and wanted students to go through 5 partners in the span of a 50-minute lesson. However, there was a room swap due to my faulty heater and we had to move all our artworks and VAPD (Visual Arts Process Diaries) from outside in the demountable to the upstairs art room. 

I also spent a lot of my time videoing the process as my head teacher was interested in using this as an example for her 'Assessment' action team meeting. My head teacher also came along and was delighted at the level of student engagement.

Here is a bit more information about the background of the speed dating lesson from yesterday's post. The post includes the rules of the speed dating critique activity:

Photos (taken as screenshots) from the videos that I was taking during class time:


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