
Tomorrow is Valentine's day, so I decided to attach a few signs outside my room. The signs are from Woolworths. Tomorrow, is also the first year where I have told my partner that no monetary gifts are to be given. This means a lot of DIY. We are trying to cut back on our spending.

Above: Close up of the signs. 

Above: My staffroom computer has broken down -monitor does not work and the whole computer needs re-imaging. Hence, I have been either using my co-worker's computer or been doing things that does not require the computer/printer. I decided to cut out words today 'DONUT GIVE UP'. I'm a bit sad that I didn't make the sprinkles more obvious.

Above: The pink side has positive notes left by students from 2016. Words of appreciation.

Above: I used the coin chart today. It worked really well with one class and not so well with another class. Need to test it out more.

Above: My happy area.

I organised a Year 7 Team meeting today with the teachers who have Year 7 classes. The feedback has been good. I am hoping that my cohort can continue to carry out the values of a Respectful, Engaged and Active Learner. Taking on the role of the Year Adviser allows me to interact with more teachers, the executives and also the front office staff. It has been a great experience and has been building up my confidence as a teacher.


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