Good week

I've had a really good week with my classes. I enjoyed knowing my students more and being able to teach my content with little disturbance. I hoped they enjoyed their time in the art classroom. Throughout this week I focused on understanding the ALARM matrix, getting out my Year 11 theory assessment task, making my students aware of their time management and productivity during class time, assisting Year 7 with their self-portrait drawings and decorating my classroom.

During the week I also focused on looking for more prizes for the school rewards system: Vivo miles. I posted on different Facebook groups and had one response from a gentleman who works for Eckersley. He is offering art supplies and free medium workshops. I also promoted new prizes on assembly, through the school Facebook page and through student's notices. Students are snapping up raffle tickets to build a higher chance of winning a double pass to our local wildlife park.

On the side, I am still actively looking up different teaching Facebook groups in hopes to understand classroom management more, collaborate and share resources. On the 'RTI Buying and Selling Teaching Resources', I found a teacher selling 'classroom signs' for $10 plus $5 postage. I decided to invest in these signs as I think they will work well with Year 7 students and can be cute/cheesy for my Year 9-11 classes. 

The packet encourages appropriate behaviour and involvement through the use of these helpful signs:

1. Please line up quietly
2. Please raise your hand
3. Who's got it?
4. Look and listen
5. Time to clean up
6. Quiet

Above: The classroom sign packet contained 6 signs.

Above: Couldn't resist a photo with my love.


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