

At the start of the year, I explained to all my classes that the theme of my classroom is ‘kindness’. This theme does not stay contained in the walls of the classroom but in students’ process of speaking and their part in bringing kindness towards others. At my High School, we do not tolerate deliberate hurtful behaviour. Instead we encourage the use of kind words as this creates happiness for others and ourselves. We must remember that we have a great power when we speak. When we perform an act of kindness it can uplift others and when we choose to deliberately hurt others we can make someone feel really bad.

1.       Think before you speak.
2.       Use words to uplift others.

I often ask students to think of things that make them smile. I encourage them to grab a sticky note and write it down. I am hoping to fill my ‘happy notes’ board at the back of my room. 

On another note:

My classroom has become the biggest 'CONTACTING' surface. Walls, cabinets, chairs... you name it!


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