
In the crazy 47 degrees heat today, I decided to go shopping. I counted the number of suburbs that I had visited today and it came to a total of nine.

Above: 11 Drawer Stackable Organiser from Super Cheap Auto for $46

Above: The organiser is generous in terms of space and fits all my newly purchased markers. I used my DYMO tags to label the drawers.

Above: I visited two Woolworths as the prices were not consistent. 

Above: I managed to spend a total of $116.18 on 26 products. Yesterday, I also purchased 6 x $3.75 DYMO tags (Rrp $15).

Above: A few close ups of my purchase minus the 6 small whiteboards ($3.50 per one. Rrp $5 each).

I have been forgetting to use my own classroom rewards system during the first two weeks of school. In the holidays I purchased 20 x bags of coins from Kmart. Each coin has the description 'you have been caught being good'. I want to create a friendly class vs class competition where they try to have the most coins remaining in their jar after a fortnight. I will tally the best classes and at the end of the year the best class gets a pizza party.

I realise I need to create a way to fairly distribute the coins and to remind students that this is a class effort. Visual cues can assist students to learn the coin system. They gain coins during the lesson for showing desired behaviours and lose coins as a consequence for not following warnings in class (i.e. too noisy, lose a coin). This will also remind students to follow classroom rules. Each class will start off with twenty coins and the class with the most coins wins. Each fortnight I will draw a prize out (Aldi stationary pens, rubbers etc) for one lucky student in that particular class.

Above: Kmart coins located in the party section. $2 for a packet of 36.

Above: A quick chart made from black cardboard pieces and posca markers.

Above: Yesterday I asked two boys to help me move my bookshelves to a new area in the classroom. I am constantly squeezing time in the morning (before school hours) to get my room ready.

Above: Not the best photo but you can see that the bookshelf has been moved to the very back of the room.

Above: My new target area in the classroom where I really want to wave my magical wand and change the way it looks. 


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