During period 3 today, I tried teaching the ALARM Matrix to my Year 11 Visual Arts students. ALARM is A Learning And Responding Matrix developed by Max Woods. It is used to provide a framework for writing, learning, deconstruction of tasks and provide students with feedback. Reflecting on my lesson today, I probably confused my students more. I made students highlight certain passages using colours that correspond to the ALARM Matrix. It was hard for students to differentiate between 'explain/discuss', 'analyse' and 'evaluate'. We ended up using yellow to cover the 'identity/outline/describe' sections and we used purple to cover the 'Interpret' sections. Students found these two areas easier to identify in passages. I decided that there must be an easier way to teach students. I asked students if other classes were using the ALARM Matrix and only one student put her hand up. The rest of the students have been using PEEL strategies. The s...
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