The transformation

I have been teaching since mid 2012. I started off teaching casually and gained longer blocks in the Home Economics Faculty and the Creative and Performing Arts faculty. I have taught every single subject through my casual days. I valued these experiences as it allowed me to be flexible, work with different teachers and bond with students in a short period of time. Some days it was challenging and other days it was quite rewarding. 

Fast forward to 2017, I am now a permanent Visual Arts teacher. I am also trained in Technological and Applied Studies area but my heart has always been set to become an art teacher. Late last year, I was asked to prepare a workshop on 'Classroom Management' for Term 1 school development day. While researching through the school holidays, I became interested in everything related to my teaching practice. I started considering how the 'look' of the classroom can influence the way students engage with the classroom content. I looked at teaching strategies like noise control, resource management and how to make learning engaging. 

This has lit a passion within me to contribute more to the education sector. Hence, I started blogging, sharing ideas on a number of teaching Facebook page and also on my Instagram account (Follow me on: missartofteaching). I am also amazed with the level of dedication displayed from teachers around the world. I use social networking to learn more about their pedagogy and to observe what I can use in my own classroom.

Working on my classroom look:



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