Art Class progress

Here are some progress photos. I am having a lot of fun with my classes:

Year 7: Cyberpunk mask unit. Students are learning how to create masks using plaster bandage and found objects. They can use a variety of materials to give their masks a unique quality that carries a Steampunk or Cyberpunk feel.

Year 9/10 Elective Art: Students are having a blast creating stencils based on a social issue. Some are exploring war, politics, environment, crime and mental state. They will be spray painting their designs on an old furniture piece. Students are invited to decorate the surface before spray painting. 

Year 11: Students are continuing their body of work. Every week we are studying two artists to prepare them for their Yearly Examination. I enjoy getting my students to work together in groups before sharing answers to the whole class.

Rock project: On the side, I am organising a rock pathway painting project. Every rock painted by students, parents, carers and staff will be put together as a decorative pathway. The rock designs will hopefully reveal a story about the individual's passions and send off positive vibes to the person viewing it.

I have been getting my students to help wash, dry and paint base coats on the rocks donated from Flower Power and Bunnings. A few classes have started painting designs on the rocks. Last week students from Daimon School in Hiroshima, Japan came for a visit and I asked them to help paint a few rocks to leave behind for the pathway instalment. I'm hoping to collect more rock designs during Heritage day (Multicultural day) by setting up a rock painting stall.


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