Jim Carrey: I Needed Colour (Observation lesson)

During period 6 today, my co-worker sat in my class to observe my lesson. It is a requirement that the head teacher sits in on one of our classes and that everyone in the faculty takes turn observing one another. Feedback is then documented on BlueSky and given to the teacher verbally. This helps us to reflect and improve on our pedagogy. The lesson observation was based on my period 6 Year 11 Visual Arts class. 

The focus of the lesson is based on the short documentary: Jim Carrey: I Needed Colour. 

Read up this blog post to understand the lesson's content: 

Lesson idea: Jim Carrey

I changed a few things in the lesson. I started off the lesson by showing students a few examples of Jim Carrey's artwork without revealing the artist. Students worked in groups to write down whether they liked the artwork. We then had a class discussion and they were required to explain their choices. I then showed them the YouTube video. Afterward, we talked about how the documentary may have influenced the way we read Jim Carrey's artworks. We also looked at the power of art to heal. 

We proceeded to read an article with a negative view of Jim Carrey's work. As a class, we discussed the role of an art critic and how the article did not explain why it thought Jim Carrey's art practice was 'embarrassing' and 'tasteless'. We talked about the purpose of an art critic and what constitutes as a constructive feedback.

A few photos from the lesson:


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