What lifts you

During Tuesday afternoon, Year 6 students from our local primary school come over for some taster subjects in Visual Arts, Languages, Computers and Science. I really enjoy having the students over, as they are very eager to make art. We are starting the 'What Lifts You' mural. The finished mural will be taken back to the primary school as a display.

Materials needed:

-Photocopied feather template on A4 colour paper. I made 200 copies as I will have three class rotations.
-Class set of instructions to make feather designs. I also laminated a copy and left it on the white board.
-Class set of pencils.
-Class set of posca pens (arcylic paint in a marker).
-Class set of scissors.

Inspiration from:

I also tried something new. Every time a student was good they received a slip to put their name on it. They could have multiple slips. Students would then take their slip and put it into the class jar. At the end of the lesson, I draw our two prizes (one for a girl and one for a boy).


  1. Those are some pretty good works you have got there. I am also looking for these type of things specially pa amplifiers. I might go to some shops where they sell pa amplifiers.


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