kikki.K teaching resources

Kikki.K is one of my favorite shops. It is a Swedish stationary brand founded by Kristina Karlsson. Besides being aesthetically pleasing to the eye their designs work well for the classroom teacher. 

Today, I walked into the store to spend my $10 rewards birthday voucher. I was contemplating on what I needed in the classroom. I ended up purchasing the pencil shape notepad. I plan to laminate them and let students write on top of it for a lesson activity. If it is laminated the surface is almost like a whiteboard. I can also have words/procedures/names of artists/art movements on them and let students rearrange it into the correct order. At the same time, I can use it as a classroom decoration by making it into a bunting. 

I was very close to buying this massive sand timer. The RRP price is $20. I like it quite a bit but I have the smaller version.

I spent some time today looking for a storage system for my scalpel knives. Students will be starting their 'Street Art' unit. I love this unit but it can be a bit stressful when you have a classful of students using scalpel knives and spray cans. A missing scalpel knife is dangerous. A missing spray can cause damage to the school and to the students' possessions.

I didn't end up finding anything in stores but when I went back home, I found my Benefit 'Defined & Refined Brows' kit. The tin is perfect for storage. It is also big enough for me to store a class set of laminated cards. The numbered cards allow me to keep track of who is using which scalpel and/or spray can. 

I made the numbered cards using Kikki.K post notes and a packet of 25 Scotch self-sealing laminating pouches. These pouches were donated by my friend. Her workplace was chucking them out!!!!

While laminating the numbered cards, I realised that it can be used in a variety of ways. For instance, it can be used to teach simple mathematics. It can also be used to let students know who is next (to speak to the teacher or to present to the whole class). Students can be assigned a number and depending on their number a classroom job will be assigned to them. It can also be used to raffle out prizes.

The story of kikki.K:


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