Street Art Unit

My Stage 5 (Year 9/10) class is starting their 'Street Art' unit. I have been getting ready for this unit by looking for new resources (Youtube videos, artist to study etc) and planning ways to distribute and keep track of who is using what. This is extremely important as a missing scalpel knife can lead to an accident. The same applies to a spray can.

I have traced my 'birdie' paperweight to get the shape of the birds. They have been laminated and attached to the painting via the use of velcro. Each birdie has a yellow wing which is also attached by velcro. Each birdie has my student's name. If they use spray can 'number 4', they will need to attach the correct wing onto their birdie. This helps me keep track of everything.

Videos that I plan to use to introduce the unit:

The above video will be used to show the 'power' of Art. I want students to think about how Street Art can be used positively. The video does not address Street Art but talks about how Art can affect people and change people's lives. Students are encouraged to talk about a 'social issue' through their stencil. I have assigned them with a task to create a title page for this new unit and come up with three possible ideas for this new unit. 

Today students were using class time to carry out the tasks. I loved how students were discussing world issues among themselves. Some ended up watching videos on social issues. A few even asked if they can do a 'collaborating' job. I was excited that they came up with this on their own.

I plan to show students a video of Banksy vs Robbo. 


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