Stencil Art

To prepare my Stage 5 students for their 'Street Art' unit, I have invested one lesson on stenciling. I wanted them to understand both positive and negative space. It was also important for them to understand the purpose of 'bridges' and how to apply the paint (if they choose to use paint over spray paint). The teacher samples proved to be an effective way to explain the importance of planning their work ahead. I also demonstrated how to use a scalpel knife correctly. Students were asked to create a simple stencil using the initials of their name. At this point, it is not important to develop a conceptually strong stencil. They are still planning their 'social issues' ideas for this new unit. Students are super keen on starting this unit. I surprised them with a few furniture that I have kept aside for them to work on. They will be transferring their designs onto desks, tables, books shelves and filing cabinets. Students will still be marked ...