Grumpy bag

Today, I didn't like how I was acting grumpy but it gave me the opportunity to have a serious talk with some of my classes. I spoke to them about how they should line up, what language they should use when talking to a teacher and to other students. I made one of my class line up outside again and do the following steps again:

1. Put bags at the back of the room.
2. Sit down and wait for instructions.

Students tend to become walking gypsies in this particular class. They want to walk in and start grabbing their Visual Arts process diaries, pencil tins, materials etc. I told them we will practice walking into the classroom every lesson until we get it right. It may be a hassle at the start but eventually, we will get this right and then our lessons will be smoother. I managed to squeeze in some laughter and connect with my students after we got it out of the way.

I also really grilled a student for being late. I expect more from him since he is a senior student. This time around, I gave him a warning. Next time it will be a detention. Constant lateness will be a phone call home and possibly an N-Award.

I am hoping this grumpy teacher will disappear and my cheerful self will return tomorrow. I find that the lessons were less enjoyable for myself when I was being a grumpy bag.

On a side note, a lot of dramas are unfolding. I am trying to keep my head up high and think positively. There are many moments during this teaching career where it is a challenge but at the same time, it is the most rewarding one out there.


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