Ready to learn

Hi everyone

This is my first post. I decided to create a blog to document the many happy memories and challenges that happen inside and outside of my Art classroom. Over the past years, I have really developed a passion for teaching and started to understand the true workload of a teacher.

A small background about myself: I am a New Scheme Teacher who graduated in mid 2012 and did not start my full load teaching until the beginning of 2013. I graduated with a double degree in Bachelor of Art Education and Bachelor of Design and have been approved to teach all Visual Arts subjects as well as some Technological and Applied Studies subjects. I have taught in two schools, one being an all girls demographic school and the other being my current co-ed demographic school. Last year, I became actively involved in our school's Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL) team. I am a strong advocator for our 'Vivo' rewards program at my school and network with the school and the local community to fund the program by organising merchandise and monetary donations.

I am looking forward to the New Year. New Year means new challenges. I am ready to learn. There is never a dull moment in teaching, as we are constantly learning new things and preparing for the best classroom experiences for our students. This year I have an additional title on top of my high school position as an Art teacher, and that is - Year 7 Advisor.

School is starting in a few weeks for teachers and students. I have been looking at back to school supplies, classroom management resources, furniture arrangement and making resources for my new classes. I am preparing for my exciting (and scary) experience. I will be presenting to the staff on the first day back for teachers. I will be presenting on 'Classroom Management' along with another teacher as part of my role in the PBL team. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone as I need to learn to project my voice outside of the classroom. Inside the classroom, I am more confident and comfortable with my students. Outside, I am a bit of hermit crab and as a result, I am seeking new ways to come out of my shell. 

Hopefully, throughout the year I will be able to reflect on my teaching practice and share moments from inside and outside of my classroom. And show you the real me!


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