Year 7 students

I've been really enjoying my time teaching Year 7 students. They seem to be much settle this year and love my classroom systems. My rules are pretty consistent:

1. Line up in two lines.
2. Place bags at the back of the room.
3. Sit down and look at the classroom jobs chart.
4. Students who are assign to taking out Visual Arts Process Diaries get up to pass out the journals.
5. Classroom helpers take out the laminated photographs, white pencils, posca markers and oil crayons.
6. Start work.
7. Classroom timer (another student job) reminds class to pack up 5 mins before the bell.
8. Resources are returned back to the right location by the helpers.

They have only recently earn the priviledge of listening to music during class time. I even brought in my bluetooth speakers to play songs for students who prefer to listen to my songs.

Photos from this morning (besides the one with the fly):


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