Implementing Strategies

So yesterday I mentioned that I received my survey responses from my Year 11 Visuals Art class.

Classroom survey blog post

Now action needs to take place so that I can use this feedback effectively to improve on my teaching practice. I want students to be able to improve risk-taking behaviours in the classroom.

Strategies that I will implement to encourage risk-taking behaviours:

1. ACKNOWLEDGE STUDENTS FOR TRYING/REMIND STUDENTS OF THEIR ABILITIES AND INTELLIGENCE: Use more praises in the classroom. Comment on effort made to put students in a growth mindset to increase learning and achievement. This will help make students more comfortable in the classroom.

2. PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK: Notice what is successful in students' artworks. This helps build a positive relationship with the student and starts the conversation off on a good note. This will then allow them to be more receptive to constructive criticism. Be specific with the feedback so students understand where to go. Ask students questions so that it lead to a more student-directed feedback conversation.

3. ENSURE STUDENTS HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF CONCEPTS: Recap jargon used in the art classroom. Provide revision of the fundamentals - Frames, Conceptual Framework and Art practice. This can be done through more explicit explanations and examples.

I am quite excited to implement these strategies. POSITIVE CHANGES are about to take place! I will be making a table to keep as a record action. For example, 15-20 columns representing periods and then rows representing the strategies that were executed during that period. It will be recorded down as tallies. There will be an extra column to add some brief reflection at the end of each period. Towards the end of the term, students will be re-tested to see if their sense of risk-taking has improved.


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